New Projectors on Campus to Enhance Remote or Hybrid Learning


信息 & Communication Technologies

NVC 信息 and Communication Technologies (IT) is completing a campus project through the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) that allows for better remote or hybrid student and instructor access.

The plan comprises new projectors on campus that include high-quality projection, updated control panels, in-ceiling microphones and speakers, as well as follow-me cameras.

“These new systems will allow students to be part of the live classroom or engage with their remote classmates whether they are attending the class in person or remotely. ” said IT Director Felix Salinas.

HEERF是一个 格兰特 program from the federal government that provides financial aid to students and to institutes of higher education to assist with new expenses and losses from the pandemic in order to prevent, prepare for and respond to the coronavirus.

About 西北Vista 大学:  

西北Vista 大学 (NVC), part of the 阿拉莫大学 区, is designated as a Hispanic Serving Institution. The college opened in 1995 with 12 students and has grown to one of the largest institutions of higher education in 圣安东尼奥 and the region with current enrollment exceeding 19,000名学生. Located in Westover Hills, NVC’s expanding agreements with business and higher education partnerships provide a wealth of opportunities for students and the community.